The BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty opened on lower note on Thursday morning hours against the closing of previous session. At 10.15 am, the BSE Sensex was trading lower by 160.69 points, or 0.49%, to 32,316.05, while the Nifty-50 falls 46.85 points, or 0.46%, to 10,034.65
Asian rupees were trading on lower note. Bond yields and its prices move in reverse mode. The Indian rupee was opened high versus the US dollar.
The shares of TCS, Lupin and Cipla rose, while the shares of Kotak Bank and Asian Paint declined.
There are about 70 companies scheduled to announce their quarterly earnings today which includes Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), PNB Housing, Jindal Saw, Ramco Cements, Titan and VIP Industries.
The INDIA VIX is up 0.18% at 11.9. The S&P BSE Sensex is trading at 32,372 down 102 points, while Nifty is trading at 10,056 down 25 points.capitalstars