The BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty indices edged lower in early trade Friday in spite of mostly higher Asian stocks. At 10.10 am, the Sensex, was down 5.28 points at 32,232.60, while the Nifty50 was up 9.15 points at 10022.80. Nifty declined below the psychologically significant 10,000 mark.
The BSE MidCap fell 0.4 percent and the Small-Cap shed 0.19%. The fall in both the indices was higher than the fall of Sensex in percentage terms.
The breadth of market was marginally positive since about 972 shares rose against 842 falling shares on the BSE.
Shares of Lupin, Cipla,Sun Pharma, Dr Reddy's Labs, Aurobindo Pharma, ONGC, Ambuja Cements, Bharti Airtel, among others were declined u to 2 percent.
ONGC, Vedanta, BPCL, Tata Steel, Hindalco are among the gainers, whereas Infosys, Cipla, Asian Paints, Sun Pharma and Zee Entertainment are losing sheen on NSE.capitalstars