The Indian stock markets on Friday, February 10, 2017 opened in green tracking positive trend seen in Asian markets. At 10:15 am, the BSE Sensex was trading at 28,384, up 55 points, while the broader Nifty50 was ruling at 8,803, up 25 points. In the broader market, BSE Midcap and BSE Smallcap indices added 0.4% each. About 1135 shares rose against 779 declining shares on the BSE.
Tata Steel was the top Sensex gainer, adding about 2% after Tata Steel UK inked 126 million dollar deal to sell its specialty steel business to Liberty House Group.
Mahindra & Mahindra, Gail India, Bank of Baroda and Sun TV will be announcing their quarterly results, which would be crucial in determining the market direction.
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